[email protected].
Springfield Primary Academy

Summer Learning Toolkit

Autism Training Plan - Autumn 2024

Occupation Therapy - Parent Offer

Accredited ADHD Programmes

MAC Workshops 22nd/23rd June 2024


Be Empowered Workshops June/July 2024

Be Empowered Workshop Flyer

Be Empowered Workshop Booking Form

CAT PACs - Summer Term 2


Primary CAT PAC Flyer

Be Empowered Workshops

Be Empowered Workshop Flyer

Be Empowered Workshop Booking Form

Coffee Morning Flyers

Coffee Morning Flyer - 19.03.2024

Coffee Morning Flyer - 23.04.2024

Coffee Morning Flyer - 16.05.2024


Transitioning Through School - Family Q&A Session

Free English Courses for Parents/Carers

Life Skill English

Brasshouse Languages and Culture

Where to find a course - Birmingham Adult Education Service

ESOL Courses - Free English Lessons Online

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | WEA

English Classes | The Springfield Project Charity


Autism Empowerment Webinar


SEND Flyers - Spring Term 2024

Early Years CAT PAC Flyer

Primary CAT PAC Flyer

Secondary CAT PAC Flyer

Nurturing ADHD Kids Flyer - Online Course 1

Nurturing ADHD kids Flyer - Online Course 2

SEN Flyers

Early Years Flyer

Primary CAT Flyer

Autumn CAT Parent Drop in Sessions

Family Hubs August 2023 Newsletter

Family Hubs- August 2023 Newsletter

We hope you find the July edition of the ‘Family Hubs and Best Start for Life’ newsletter interesting and informative.

If you have any comments or contributions, or would like to find out more about Family Hubs in Birmingham, please email [email protected]

Family Hubs- July Update

Emotional Wellbeing Online Courses

Emotional Wellbeing Online Course flyer

Amazing Things Happen

These videos are a nice resource for families and for some children. You may be familiar with the first Amazing Things Happen Autism one. It is translated into lots of community language as well – which is useful. There are several others. Please see the links below and check them out. Personally, I love them!


Amazing Things Project » Amazing Things Happen


Amazing Things Project » What is ADHD? (amazingthingshappen.tv)


Amazing Things Project » Amazing Kids – Autistic Spectrum Condition (amazingthingshappen.tv)


Amazing Things Project » See Dyslexia Differently (amazingthingshappen.tv)


Amazing Things Project » Down’s syndrome explained by Chloe (amazingthingshappen.tv)

CAT Parent Drop In Sessions:

CAT Parent Drop In Session - EAST

CAT Parent Drop In Session - NORTH

CAT Parent Drop In Session - SOUTH

Support for Parents:

Be Empowered Workshop Flyer

Be Empowered Workshop Booking Form

CAT PAC – Parent Autism Awareness Course- Summer 2023

We would like to invite you to a CAT PAC course, our parent awareness course designed to support you following your child receiving a diagnosis of autism. The sessions will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams. Please refer to the dates and times stated in the leaflet and email [email protected] to reserve a place. You will receive an email response to confirm your place or to tell you that the course is full. 

Virtual CAT PAC Letter

Greenmeadow CAT PAC Letter

Birmingham Information and support day Tuesday 31 January 2023, 10:30am to 2:30pm

Please see attached flyer for the information and support day at Touchbase Pears on 31st January 10.30am-2.30pm, where you can learn about a range of support services, grants and info available for parents, their disabled child/young person and wider family.

Please also check out the leaflet for the event:    Support Day Flyer

Contacting SENAR

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to announce that from now it will be possible to contact individual SENAR case officers by phone.

You Said - We need to be able to talk directly to the individual who is dealing with our child or young person’s case

We Did - From January 9th 2023, you will be able to telephone your child or young person’s Birmingham City Council SENAR case worker directly.  Feedback from parents and carers has been very clear; being able to talk to someone who knows and understands their case, their child/young person and their situation is a top priority. 

From the 9th January onwards all emails sent from SENAR officers will include:

It will also be possible to leave a voicemail outside of the available hours and officers will endeavour to return calls within one working day.

The contact information for SENAR team is now available on the Local Offer Website: SEND Support and Information


Autism Sensory Packs

If you would like to apply for a sensory pack from Cauldwell Trust, please click on the link below.

There is a slight cost implication (20%) but Cauldwell will pay for (80%). Your child will need a diagnosis to claim the pack.


SEND Partnership Newsletter - November 2022

SEND Partnership Newsletter - November 2022

Hall Green Families SEND Support Sessions

Hall Green Families will be holding support sessions for local families with SEND children. The team will be on hand to discuss what EHCPs are and what they mean for your family, what support is available to families with SEND children, answer any questions you have around benefits, advice and more! If you would like to find out more or would like us to hold a SEND Support Session in your setting for your families, please email [email protected] with the subject 'SEND surgery'.


Speech and Language Webinar- October 2022

Please book the stated sessions if your child/children have difficulties with their early communication development in the areas of attention, social interaction, understanding of simple language and use of words/other means to convey their wants and needs.

Outreach Webinar

Encouraging Independance - September 2022

DIY Encouraging Independence in self care

Handwriting Flier Primary and Secondary

Managing Sensory Outside the Home - Secondary School Age

Sensory Smart for primary - Secondary 9-10 November 2022 - Flier

Sensory Tots - Flier

Supporting Feeding and mealtimes

Toileting with OT Flier

DIY - Sleep, Wash, Dress - July 2022

SEN Support Provision Plans - September 2022

Introduction to SEND Support Provision Plans

Spotting Autism - July 2022

Immie's Signs to Spot Autism

Supporting Selective Talkers and Quiet Children Webinar

Encouraging Independance In Toddlers - June 2022

Encouraging Independence In Toddlers

OT - Fine Motor Moves

SALT and OT - School Readiness

Local Area SEND Updates

Local Area SEND Newsletter - May 2022

An Introduction to PSS

Parent Webinar - Gross Motor Grooves

Top Tips For Transition For Autistic Pupils

Birmingham Early Help Offer Awareness

CAT Parent Awareness Course - Mondays

CAT Parent Awareness Course- Thursdays

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - Speech & Language Therapy October 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - Communication Autism Team September 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - Occupational Therapy August 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - Speech & Language Therapy August 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - July 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


SEND Briefing Parent Webinar - June 2021

Parent/Carer Webinars take place regularly throughout the year and cover a number of different topics. Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the link below for further details:

SEND Briefing Parent Webinar


Supporting Transition into Secondary School - June 2021

Supporting the transition into secondary school: A session for year 6 parents, please see the poster links below for more details:

8th June 2021 - Supporting Transition into Secondary School

9th June 2021 - Supporting Transition into Secondary School


Autism Guides - May 2021

Please click the links below to download Autism guides in Arabic, Urdu and Punjabi:

Autism Guide - Arabic

Autism Guide - Urdu

Autism Guide - Punjabi


Parent Webinars - SALT - Spring Term 2021

If you would like to join the Speech & Language Therapy webinar to receive top tips on how to support your child's communication and interaction. Please register your details to join the session for free by clicking on the links shown below: 

Speakers: Tamsin Ruane – Speech & Language Therapist 

                    Annie Loftus – Speech & Language Therapist 

                    Suzi Blakemore – Speech & Language Therapist 

Tuesday 2nd March at 1:00pm to 2:00pm - Early Years 0-5years


Wednesday 3rd March at 10:00am to 11:00am - Primary Age 5-11years


Each webinar should last approximately one hour and take the format of a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions

For more information, please click the link below:

Parent Webinars - SALT - Spring Term 2021


BEW Flyer for Evening Online BEWs - Jan-Feb 2021 

Please see the link below for further information:

BEW Flyer for Evening Online BEWs- Jan-Feb 2021


Online Evening BEW Booking form - Jan-Feb 2021

Please see the link below for further information: 

Online Evening BEW Booking form Jan-Feb 2021




Please see the link below for further information: