REAch2 now has 60 primary schools and is organised into 10 clusters. You can find a complete list of the clusters on the REAch2 website. Our school is in Cluster 3. The Cluster 3 Deputy Director for Education is Yateen Bhoola.
REAch2 Governance
We have 3 layers of governance in REAch2: local governing bodies which oversee individual schools, cluster boards who oversee each cluster and our Board of Trustees who are ultimately accountable to the Department for Education for the running of the Trust.
All our schools share the same governance structure and you can find information about the trust on the REAch2 website at The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today. You can also find details of who our trustees are.
Our school, like most schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB). There are terms of reference, which detail how the LGB should work and what its responsibilities are. On the REAch2 website, terms of reference are available for all our boards, including the Trust Board. You can also find documents which show how all the different layers communicate and how responsibility and accountability is distributed.
The documents below offer more information about REAch2 Governance;
Summary Governance Composition At All Levels
Reach 2 Academy Financial Statements
Responsibilities of Our School Governors
- Accountability
Accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community.
- Strategy
Develop the long-term strategic direction of the school. Actively involved in the creation of the School Improvement Plan, visions and aims, and budget.
- Critical Friendship
Challenges, monitors and evaluates progress against set targets.
- Compliments, Comments and Concerns
The Governing Body would like to hear from you if you:
- Are happy with the service the school provides and would like to compliment the staff and its pupils;
- Have any suggestions about how the school can improve the quality of its provision;
- Have a complaint or concern. All complaints will be taken seriously and given full and proper consideration in accordance with the Complaints and Compliments Policy.
- Declaration of Business and Personal interests
Governors and trustees have a legal duty to act only in the best interests of their schools. Where a situation arises in which they cannot do this due to a personal interest they have, steps should be taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict. This ensures governors or trustees are acting in the best interests of the school.
- Pecuniary interests
Generally, governors should not participate in any discussions in which they or their relatives may directly or indirectly benefit from a pecuniary interest, except where the relevant authority has authorised this i.e. legislation for maintained schools or articles of association for academies. A direct benefit refers to any personal financial benefit and an indirect benefit refers to any financial benefit you may have by virtue of a relationship to someone who stands to gain from a decision of the governing board. Both direct and indirect interests must be declared.
- Non-pecuniary interests (Conflicts of loyalty)
There may be a non-pecuniary interest whereby the governor does not stand to gain any benefit but a declaration should still be made. For example, this might be where a governor has a family member working in the school. While the governor might not benefit personally, their judgement could be impaired if something was brought up that would affect the family member.
Please see links below for more information regarding governance:
Declarations of Interest Register - Springfield Primary Academy
Intervention Board Members - Springfield Primary Academy
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2019-2020
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2020-2021
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2021-2022