â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets activities 6 and 7 - 14/07/20
Good morning Year 6. Today we want you to get your creative juices flowing by designing a new gadget; one for a spy or one for everyday use at home. Take a look at the ideas below and use the subheadings to develop your own. What will it be used for? Who will benefit from it?
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4
â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets Activity 5 - 10/07/20
Good morning Year 6. Today, we are exploring the use of quotations to add that little bit extra to our persuasive arguments. Look at the tips for doing this outlined below and have a go at creating some of your own. Remember to use speech marks correctly.
â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets Activity 4 - 09/07/20
Hi Year 6. In order to create our own persuasive piece of writing, we need to understand the tools and tricks that writers use to persuade people. Today's task is to create a toolkit that will help you construct your own work. Can you find examples of each in our model text?
â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets Activity 3 - 07/07/20
Good afternoon Year 6. Today we are boxing up our model text in order to look at its structure and vocabulary. Mrs Beech has begun this, are you able to complete the grid?
â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets Activity 2 - 06/07/20
Hi Year 6 - as my internet is now up and running again, I can share today's task with you. We are looking at using persuasion to get someone to do/buy something they ordinarily wouldn't. Can you sell this derelict house? I've had a go - can you do any better? Mrs Beech
â–º Mrs Beech - Gadgets Activity 1 - 03/07/20
Hello Year 6. You've had some time to focus on your Mathematics, now it's time to begin our final T4W unit. It's a persuasive piece based on gadgets and spies - it looks great fun! Read the model text and explore its vocabulary. Then, have a go at coming up with your own spy name
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 13 - 22/06/20
Good afternoon Year 6. Today, we are asking you to get artistic. Think about your favourite combination from the last two weeks and draw, paint or collage an image to represent it. Mrs Beech has started this process with the Temple of Truth - what do you think?
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 12 - 18/06/20
Good morning Year 6. Today we are writing a descriptive paragraph using the ideas we've developed for our poems. Remember that our writing isn't always perfect on first draft so ask yourself the editing questions below to see whether you can improve upon your paragraph.
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 10 - 17/06/20
Good morning Year 6. We're creating a poem with a repeating pattern today. For each line of your poem, use the same opening phrase but follow each with ideas you've built up over the last few days. Take a look at Mrs Beech's examples below and have a go at creating your own.
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 10 - 16/06/20
Good morning Year 6. Today we're looking at activity 10 and it is a bit of a challenge for you! We are exploring juxtaposition and oxymorons (when two contrasting ideas are used together). Take a look at the examples below and see whether you can come up with some of your own.
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 9c - 15/06/20
Hi Year 6. Today we're looking at part 9c of our T4W unit. Think about how your chosen place has been named and what you may come across there. Then, join together your ideas from the last three days to create some verses. Mrs Beech has begun this task, can you complete it?
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 9b - 11/06/20
Good afternoon Year 6. We are looking at activity 9b today and extending our combinations further by introducing a character. Will your character be yourselves or someone else? Complete the example here before experimenting with your own ideas from last week.
â–º Miss Mason - City of Silence Activity 9a - 10/06/20
Good afternoon year 6! Today we are on activity 9a in our City of Silence home learning booklets. Look back at the combinations you made earlier in the week and extend them by adding in well-chosen adjectives. Have a go with more than one example. #T4W
â–º Miss Pollitt - Activity 8 - 10/06/20
Good afternoon year 6. Your activity for today is to read and analyse a poem written by @PieCorbett. Read through the poem yourself, read it aloud or listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/city/s-UmP7BEbB2cG Using what you have read, complete the questions, Miss Pollitt has provided an example.
â–º Miss Pollitt - Activity 7 - 10/06/20
Good morning Year 6. Today we're using our favourite combinations and collating them in to a simple list poem. These could be grouped around a specific theme or just the ones that caught your eye last week. Why not add illustrations like Mrs Beech did to add depth to your poems?
â–º Miss Mason - The City of Silence Activities 5&6 - 05/06/20
Good morning year 6! We're on activities 5 and 6 of our City of Silence home learning booklet. It's time to judge you ideas - which do you think work best? Pick 10 combinations and keep them somewhere safe. I've put my top ten below.
â–º Miss Pollitt - Alliteration - 04/06/20
Good morning year 6. We hope you have enjoyed making some creative combinations. Today you will be combining places and abstract nouns but with a twist - you will be using alliteration! Use Miss Pollitt's example as a guide and have a go at your own alliterative combinations.
â–º Mrs Beech - The City of Silence Activity 3 - 03/06/20
Hello Year 6. Today we are linking our places to the abstract nouns gathered yesterday. There are no right or wrong combinations - it's a chance to experiment with the vocabulary we've found. Vary your combinations to see which entertains or interests you the most as a writer.
â–º Miss Mason - The City of Silence Activity 2 - 02/06/20
Good afternoon year 6. We hope you are enjoying your new home learning booklet for writing. Today we are starting Activity 2. How many abstract nouns can you collect? Miss Mason managed 15 but there are lots more! #T4W
â–º Miss Pollitt - 'The City of Silence' - 01/06/20
Good afternoon year 6. Today is the first day of your new #T4W scheme 'The City of Silence.' Your first task is to make a list of as many different types of places as possible - the more the better! Use Miss Pollitt's example to help you (you could even draw your own pictures).
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4
â–º Miss Pollitt - Be creative - 01/06/20
Why not even go into space? Be creative and imagine as many as you can. However, remember you are only looking for generic places, use the top tips as a guide if you get stuck! @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Mason - Publishing a Diary Entry - 22/5/20
Good afternoon year 6. If you've finished writing your diary entry, don't forget to publish it! Have a look at Miss Mason's example below. She added notes, doodles and mementos to her one. Then, reflect on all the hard work you've done this half term. Well done year 6!
â–º Mrs Beech – Writing a Diary Entry – 20/5/20
Good morning year 6! Mrs Beech has written another diary entry inspired by our portal stories from last week. Have a read and don't forget to magpie any interesting vocabulary. You can use it in your own diary entries. Please share your work on twitter so we can see.
â–º Miss Pollitt – Writing a Diary Entry – 19/5/20
Attention year 6 who are now on the extension tasks. Following on from yesterday, we would like you to write the next diary entry from the perspective of the main character. Try and move the action on! Use the key feature checklist and Miss Pollitt's example to help you.
â–º Miss Mason – Writing a Diary Entry – 18/5/20
Attention year 6. For those of you who have finished writing your portal story, we have another activity. We would like you to write diary entries from the perspective of the main character in your portal story. Use the key feature checklist and Miss Mason's example to help you.
â–º Miss Pillott – Personification – 13/5/20
Good morning year 6. Yesterday you described your portal in detail using a word bank. Today, you will be using personification to add extra information to your writing by describing the atmosphere and setting. Use the examples below to help you. @PieCorbett #T4W
â–º Miss Pillott – Word Bank – 13/5/20
Good morning year 6. This week we will continue to edit our portal stories before publishing. Reread your story - did you describe your portal? Did you include enough detail? If not, use the word bank and the example below to help you improve your writing. #T4W @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Mason – Editing your portal story – 6/5/20
Good afternoon year 6. Today we are finishing and editing our portal stories. Editing is an important part of the writing process because it helps us to reflect on our writing and make it even more effective. Have a look at the tips and examples below to help you. #T4W@PieCorbett
â–º Miss Pollitt – Writing a portal story – 5/5/20
Good afternoon year 6! Today we start writing our portal stories (session 10). There are lots of tips to help you in your #T4W booklet so please have a look. Below is Miss Pollitt's example which she wrote using Miss Mason's plan from yesterday. @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Mason – Writing for pleasure – 5/5/20
Year 6, what magic lies behind your door? Miss Pollitt and Miss Mason are very excited to hear your ideas. Let your imagination take you to wherever you want to go. #WritingForPleasure #T4W @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Mason – Times Tables Rock Stars new battle – 4/5/20
Attention children in Year 5 and Year 6, there's a new battle online now so log in to take part. Let's see who is going to come out on top! @TTRockStars
â–º Miss Mason – Planning a portal story - 4/5/20
Good morning year 6! Today we start planning our portal stories (session 9). There are lots of tips in your #T4W booklet so please have a look. Please also see Miss Mason's example of a plan below. Remember, write about something that interests and excites you. @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Pollitt – Descriptive writing – 1/5/20
Good afternoon year 6! Your T4W weekend challenge is to compose a short piece of descriptive writing. Miss Pollitt used the example in the T4W folder and created her own. Follow these 3 simple steps to create your own mysterious story about discovering your doorway. @PieCorbett
â–º Miss Mason – Grammar and sentence work – 30/4/20
Good morning year 6. It's time to do some grammar and sentence work linked to the text we read yesterday (The Snow Walker's Son). Look at activity 7 in your #T4W home learning booklet and check out Miss Mason's examples below. Please tweet any work you complete.
â–º Miss Wright - TTRS Battle - Year 5 & 6 - 30/04/20
Attention children in Year 5 and Year 6, there's a new battle online now so log in to take part. Let's see who is going to come out on top! @TTRockStars
â–º Miss Pollitt – The Snow-Walker’s Son – 29/4/20
Hi year 6! Your home learning task for today is to read the extract below by Catherine Fisher, or you can listen to it here https://m.soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/doors… Then you can answer the questions using your inference skills.
â–º Miss Mason – Rounding decimal numbers – 29/4/20
Year 6, don't forget to log in to MyMaths and complete this week's homework on decimal numbers. You have until the 4th to complete it. Here's an example to help you with the first piece, which is all about rounding decimals.
â–º Miss Mason – Times Tables Rock Stars battle results – 29/4/20
Here are last week's results from our TTRS battles. Children, the teachers beat you but only just! There's a new battle online now so log in to take part. A special congratulations to Iqra from 6 Naidoo who scored an impressive 3,403 points! @TTRockStars
â–º Miss Pollitt – The Snow-Walker’s Son – 29/4/20
Hi year 6! Your home learning task for today is to read the extract below by Catherine Fisher, or you can listen to it here https://m.soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/doors… Then you can answer the questions using your inference skills.
â–º Miss Mason – Rounding decimal numbers – 29/4/20
Year 6, don't forget to log in to MyMaths and complete this week's homework on decimal numbers. You have until the 4th to complete it. Here's an example to help you with the first piece, which is all about rounding decimals.
â–º Miss Mason & Miss Pollitt - 'The Door' by Miroslav Holub - 29/4/20
Hi year 6! Your home learning task for today is to read the extract below by Catherine Fisher, or you can listen to it here https://m.soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/doors… Then you can answer the questions using your inference skills.
â–º Miss Mason & Miss Pollitt - 'The Door' by Miroslav Holub - 29/4/20
Good afternoon Year 6! We hope you enjoyed reading the poem 'The Door' today. Did any of you have a go at performing it? Miss Mason and Miss Pollitt have put together a video recording of themselves reading it aloud. Have a listen below. #T4W
â–º Miss Mason - 'The Door' by Miroslav Holub - 29/4/20
Good morning year 6! Today we would like you to listen the poem 'The Door' by Miroslav Holub. You can find it here: https://bbc.co.uk/programmes/p011kx3r… https://youtube.com/watch?v=bazJvnuOLMM… Then make notes on the poem using the prompts in your #T4W booklet.
â–º Miss Mason - T4W Challege - Idioms - 28/4/20
Good morning year 6! Your #T4W challenge for today is idioms. Look at the example and have a go at working out the meanings of the idioms below. Be imaginative and think outside the box!
â–º Miss Mason - Holes by Louis Sachar - 27/4/20
Miss Mason was caught reading Holes by Louis Sachar over the weekend. She was so excited to find out what happened to Stanley that she finished it in two days! Looks like her little visitor enjoyed it just as much as she did. #readingforpleasure #welovereading
â–º Miss Mason - T4W Project - 27/4/20
Year 6, we have a special task we want you to complete over the weekend as part of our #T4W project. Draw, paint or create your own door to another world. Here's an example from Miss Mason. Her door was inspired by spring and leads to Japan!
â–º Miss Mason - Writing project: Doors – The World of Possibility - 24/4/20
Good morning year 6! Today's writing task is a continuation of yesterday's activity 2. Turn your ideas into a poem, like the example below. Don't forget to include figurative language techniques to create a more vivid image in the reader's mind. @PieCorbett @RadioBlogging
â–º Miss Pollitt - The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo - 23/4/20
Miss Pollitt was caught reading The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo @Naidoo_J2J on her sofa in her garden! #reading4pleasure
â–º Miss Pollitt - Writing project: Doors – The World of Possibility - 23/4/20
Good morning year 6. It’s day 2 of our new writing project: Doors - The world of possibility! Here’s an example of activity 2. I opened the magical door and saw... @PieCorbett
Don’t forget to share your home learning on our twitter feed. Get imagining! Miss Pollitt
â–º Miss Mason - Writing project: Doors – The World of Possibility - 22/4/20
Hi year 6. It’s day one of our new writing project: Doors – The world of possibility. Here’s an example of activity 1. What things do you miss? @PieCorbett
Don’t forget to share your home learning on our twitter feed